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Weekly Goals//Updates: September 17

Writer's picture: Ella NaptonElla Napton

My motivation to do things has hit an all-time low. If there is even a *chance* I can watch Bob's Burgers instead of doing literally anything else, I watch Bob's Burgers. I'm not even a massive fan of Bob's Burgers, I just keep hitting "next episode" and "yes, I'm still watching" for only God knows why reason. I think it has to do with the fact that I don't have that much homework compared to other semesters, so I'm not quite sure what to do with myself now that I have something my friends call "free time". So how about we get into it and see what I didn't accomplish this week because I was too busy watching the entire season 3 of Bob's Burgers:

Goals Accomplished From Last Week:

1. Go to rugby at least twice: I did it! I did it! Wow, it truly feels good to know that I, at least, accomplished (and even exceeded) one of my goals from the previous week. Not only did I go to rugby twice, I went three whole times. Well, four, if you count the game I played (and died) in last Saturday as well. Here's to actually getting the recommended amount of physical activity!

2. And speaking of saying no, I want to get better at saying no: You know, I actually did get better at this. I said no a few times (a few times being, like, twice). And that is a few (2) times more than I said no the week before. If I didn't want to commit to something new I didn't just suck it up and hate myself during the process: I actually didn't do it. A concept!

3. Read more, watch Netflix less: Well, I know that you know that I absolutely failed at this goal last week. Although did I really fail if I was watching Hulu instead of Netflix? The world may never know. Just kidding, the world knows, I failed: so spectacularly and in a ball of fireworks. But what can I say? At least I fail with style.

Goals For The Upcoming Week:

1. Do my homework as soon as possible instead of waiting: It's not that I'm overwhelmed with the amount of homework I have, or that there are so many due dates flying at me, it's that I know that I don't have tons of homework, so I just don't do it until I absolutely have to. And this, in turn, perpetuates my desire to watch Bob's Burgers. Ending this nasty cycle is, truly, the best path for my life to take as of now.

2. Be able to participate in conditioning class: This weekend during my rugby game I took a tackle in a weird way and ended up hurting my knee and my head (can I get an oofda?) and that took me out of conditioning class today. I would prefer not to fail the class (we can only have 2 misses) or keep walking on the treadmill by myself (what I did today) so, for the first time in my life, I hope to find myself joining in on the workout my class is doing.

3. Read something for fun: Come on, Ella. You can do it. Like, just read one chapter of a book that sounds interesting and isn't being forced upon you. It's not that hard! You read so much as a kid--what's happened to you? (My inner monologue when it comes to thinking about how much I don't read for fun these days)

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