Boy oh boy, it has been a while. But there is a good reason for that: camp. I recently completed a two week staff training with some of my favorite people at Good Earth Village and am awaiting the arrival of 15 campers for the art camp I am leading as I write this post. That being said, let's get to it!
Because it has been so long since I wrote my last weekly updates//goals post, I am going to go straight in to my goals for this week:
Goals for this week:
1. Run a smooth program: I am leading a weeklong program this week and I am super pumped, but also very nervous! I've only ever led weeklong programs for day camps, and all the programming I led last week were half-weeks. I have it all scheduled, but weather and changes do happen. So I hope to adapt my schedule and communicate those adaptations to my staff adequately.
2. Take some time for myself: This summer I am leading programs throughout the whole summer. Although I am not directly counseling campers, I plan and implement schedules for whole weeks/chunks of a week. Some things included in that are: worship schedules, counselor prep schedules, and activity schedules among many other things. I am super excited, but I hope to be cautious about over-exerting myself. Although I am not counseling, I still need time to engage in self care.
3. Try something new: I will definitely be doing this one because I am leading large group game rules and meal times for the whole camp throughout the entire week, something I have never done before. Updates to come about how well that goes!