Ahhh yes, college has truly caught up to me. I am horribly behind with my blogging schedule I (sort of) set for myself. But instead of giving up, I am just going to push through the productivity-block and create some more content for my #loyalfanz. So let's get to it:
Goals Accomplished From "Last Week":
1. Do my homework as soon as possible instead of waiting: Hmmm, I have kind of noticed that my homework level is kind of lacking. I don't know if "lacking" is really the right word because I am not complaining about having less homework than other semesters. So, in terms of doing my homework as soon as possible, I haven't really had to worry about it. I would say I 80% completed this goal, maybe?
2. Be able to participate in conditioning class: Well, I was able to do this for about a week and then this past Monday I messed up one of my toes to the point of needing to get x-rays and eventually a boot I was ordered to wear for 2 weeks. So participate in conditioning no more for this gal. But it's okay, because I get to bike for the next to weeks, super duper! Anyone have any good shows I can watch on my three-times-a-week bike rides?
3. Read something for fun: Yeah, once again, this goal achievement level is a fat no. I did not pick up one book for fun. Unless you count reading news articles about the trash that is our current political system reading for fun. Maybe someday I will read for fun again.
Goals For The Upcoming Week:
1. Walk for a few hours a day without my boot: My doctor told me that I should be "practicing" my walking without my boot in order to speed up the healing process for my dang bum toe. So, hopefully, this week I can start walking without my boot for a few hours a day. If not, well, good luck Charlie.
2. Bike at least 5 miles every time I bike: I have been doing this pretty consistently for the past two bike riding sessions, so I'm hoping to keep that up or even get up to 6 or 7 miles for each workout (I have about 25 minutes for each workout), but I didn't want to get too ambitious.
3. Record a podcast episode: If you know me, you know I love to talk. I love blogging, but I also love podcasts. One of my secret dreams has always been to either be a guest on a podcast or start my own. And last night my best friend Molly and I came up with the idea for a potential podcast. So stay tuned, peeps.
